捐赠 to the 边境上大学 Annual FundThe annual campaign is the fundraising engine of 边境上大学. 该基金为有资格的学生提供奖学金和助学金,以及提高节目和菠菜大平台导航的举措-从资助人道主义旅行到为我们的音乐课程购买新乐器. Donations to the Annual Fund are tax deductible.
支票 邮寄至魁北克Stanstead Dufferin Street 450号,j0b3e0. 边境上大学 accepts VISA, MasterCard and American Express
信用卡. Donations can be made
在线, by phone (819) 876-7891 ext. 225, or 通过邮件ing us your information.
E-transfers 可以发送到
donate@shdxt.net. 请务必单独发送您的电子转账密码和任何具体说明,以说明您希望捐款的方向.
Overseas donors may find it easiest to donate through a
电汇. 请联系
kcushing@shdxt.net for more information.
每月的信用卡付款可以让你全年支持体育菠菜大平台. 成为一个
维持捐助者 is a convenient and thoughtful way to contribute to the annual fund. 请联系
kcushing@shdxt.net for more information.