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1952年4月4日- 2010年11月19日

帕特·伯恩斯出生在蒙特利尔,但在魁北克的加蒂诺长大. 17岁时,他成为了一名警察. 然而, he always remained connected to hockey by coaching youth minor hockey and then later becoming a scout for the Hull Olympic of the QMJHL.


1984年,伯恩斯的传奇刚刚成为现实. He was convinced by Wayne Gretzky to leave his sixteen-year career as a police officer to become the head coach for the Hull Olympics. 在加蒂诺成功当了三年主教练之后, 哔叽Savard, 蒙特利尔加拿大人队的总经理, asked Burns to consider taking on the head coach position of the 路易斯塔里夫 Canadiens, AHL附属团队为CH.
在舍布鲁克加拿大人队短暂的一个赛季后, 伯恩斯被聘为蒙特利尔加拿大人队的主教练.

"Six years before, I had bought scalper's tickets to watch the Canadiens play at the Forum,他回忆道. "I sat in the blues and watched Bob Gainey, Larry Robinson, Bobby Smith and Mats Naslund. 六年后,我坐在他们的板凳上!(冰球名人堂)

In his rookie season with the Canadiens, Burns brought the team to the Stanley Cup Finals. 不幸的是,该队在第六场比赛中输给了卡尔加里火焰队. 然而, 帕特·伯恩斯被授予杰克·亚当斯奖, presented annually to the NHL coach “adjudged to have contributed the most to the team’s success.”
"Six years before, I had bought scalper's tickets to watch the Canadiens play at the Forum,他回忆道. "I sat in the blues and watched Bob Gainey, Larry Robinson, Bobby Smith and Mats Naslund. 六年后,我坐在他们的板凳上!(冰球名人堂)
Burns spent four seasons with the Canadiens before moving on to the Toronto Maple Leafs coaching staff as head coach. 再一次。, 他在球队的第一个赛季, he was awarded the Jack Adams Award after bringing Toronto to the Conference Finals.
1997-1998赛季,波士顿棕熊队聘请伯恩斯担任主教练. 这是他职业生涯中的第三次了, 帕特燃烧 won the Jack Adams Award after bringing the Boston Bruins to the Conference Finals.

After being let go by the Bruins, Burns became the head coach of the New Jersey Devils. In his first year with the team, Burns finally made his dream come true by winning the Stanley Cup. 他在魔鬼队效力了两年,并于2005年因健康原因退役.
帕特·伯恩斯在NHL执教了14个赛季,参加了11次季后赛, 其中一场比赛以奖杯结束. 他的最后纪录是501胜, 350的损失, 161平和14次加时赛失利,019场常规赛. 2014年,伯恩斯被追授进入冰球名人堂. 直到今天, he still holds the record for the most Jack Adams Awards won and “will forever be regarded as one of the toughest competitors to stand behind an NHL bench.”


帕特的事业使他走遍了北美, 但他从未真正离开过东部城镇, 在孟斐雷马戈格湖维护房屋. 正是在这里,许多当地球迷看到了帕特的表现. 吉他手和摩托车爱好者, 帕特经常从蒙特利尔开车过来, 即使是波士顿, 和他的朋友们在老斯坦斯特德大学体育馆打冰球.
Pat also served as honorary president of the fundraising campaigns for the Aube-Lumiere cancer hospice in 路易斯塔里夫 and came out to support Stanstead’s Muscular Dystrophy Softball Tournaments in the early nineties.
“我这样做了几年,”他在2010年初的一次采访中说. “我会出来投第一球,给球迷签名,和他们聊天. 我觉得尽可能回馈社会是很重要的.”
03年魔鬼队赢得世界杯的时候, 帕特把它带回了玛格家, 他在游艇俱乐部迎接当地球迷和媒体的地方.
In 2008, the Town of Stanstead and 边境上大学 started to discuss building a new arena. It was in November 2009 that 帕特燃烧 agreed to lend his name and profile to the arena. Unfortunately, on November 19, 2010, 帕特燃烧 lost his third battle with cancer. When he passed away, he was surrounded by his family at La Maison Aube-Lumière in 路易斯塔里夫. 

他没能看到成品, 但帕特·伯恩斯的传奇永存, 一代又一代的冰球运动员都会知道帕特·伯恩斯是谁.