所有年级的学生每天晚上都有一段学习时间. Students are placed in 研究 Hall when they receive two or more unsatisfactory effort ratings in one report. Students who maintain an A- average without any unsatisfactory effort ratings may be allowed the privilege of optional study. With these two exceptions, all students study in their own rooms or in the library.
在白天, one-on one support is offered with junior faculty or the LRC coordinator during spares and/or academic support periods. Students may request extra help or may be mandated to attend based on teacher/advisor requests. Academic advisors are also available to help their advisees either directly or by recommending other sources of assistance.
透过学习资源中心, qualified teachers offer students various learning strategies related to organization, 时间管理, 做笔记, 考试, 记忆与回忆, 写作, 论文计划, 高级阅读理解, 学术的信心, 批判性或抽象思维.
The library is located on the first floor of Colby and features a vast selection of reading material, 包括小说, 非小说类书籍和参考书. 游客还可以阅读杂志、借阅dvd或使用打印机. The reading area is bright and inviting, the perfect spot for studying and reflection.
根据需要, students may benefit from individual private tutoring as requested and/or recommended by the respective department heads. 家长的同意和教务主任的批准是必需的. 目前在数学、科学和法语方面提供辅导. 这些课程在晚上学习或周日下午进行. The charge for private tutoring is as follows: junior-level classes $35/hour and senior-level classes $50/hour. Parents must agree to pay the additional cost of this tutoring before it will begin. It is the responsibility of students to notify the supervisor if they will be absent due to any other commitment. 在一次警告后,学生将被收取错过的一个小时的费用.
Students with diagnosed and recently documented special learning needs may receive academic accommodations where necessary and available. Psycho-educational testing will be arranged for students with undisclosed or undocumented needs. This testing and any academic accommodations that require individual services will be charged as an extra billing item.
边境上大学 offers information technology support to staff and students with a full-time IT specialist. This section will be updated regularly with FAQs, help guides and special downloads.
问题? Contact the Helpdesk, located in the Colby building on the 2nd floor, Computer Room. 你也可以给IT服务台发电子邮件 ITHelpDesk@shdxt.net.
这个资源为教师提供, employees and students tips and guidelines for 写作 in accordance with the 边境上大学 style. 和所有的风格指南一样, the goal here is not to distinguish right from wrong but to create a message that is clear and consistent.